Case Study - dunnhumby

How Displayr helps dunnhumby update their quarterly tracking reports 95% faster

“I was really blown away because I was prepared to have to adjust a lot of things in the dashboard when I updated it. I couldn’t believe it. It was really just one click to update the entire report.”

Dóra Török
Research Analyst, dunnhumby


time saved on updating data


quarters to a full return on investment


slides updated in just 1 click


dunnhumby is a customer data science firm that helps brands harness the power of data to make smarter decisions and create more engaging experiences for shoppers.

  • An ongoing tracking project that needed to be updated manually
  • Updating 50-100 PowerPoint slides with new data each quarter
  • Dynamic, visually-appealing dashboards
  • Fast, responsive customer service and customized personal training
  • Dashboards that update with just a few clicks
  • 95% time saved on updates
  • More flexible presentation options for their clients
  • + £1,000 saved each quarter
  • A valuable new offering to include in sales proposals

Manually updating dozens of PowerPoint slides for an ongoing tracking study

As a research analyst for dunnhumby, Dóra Török is responsible for several client projects. One of her ongoing projects is a long-term tracking study for a major retailer, tracking their loyalty program’s image. The study began in 2019 and is updated quarterly with data from four different countries.

“We do most of our reporting in PowerPoint,” Dóra explains.

When we have a report like these that include 50-100 slides, that’s a lot of copying and pasting. Creating the charts and everything takes so much time.

The questionnaire the study was based on was the same every quarter—the answers changed, but the questions didn’t, as the client was interested in finding trends and changes in the data over time. But updating the reports with new data was still taking weeks every quarter.

“We have so many charts to redo, but it’s the same structure each time, based on the same questionnaire,” Dóra says.

Dóra and her supervisor, Jan Osička, knew there had to be an easier way to update their data each quarter. And they also wanted to be able to give their clients data in a more dynamic format.

“We saw an opportunity to look for new solutions,” Jan says. “And provide our clients with something different, rather than giving them hundreds of PowerPoint slides to look at.”

Dóra knew that with the right tool, she could save countless hours on her tracking study each quarter and give her clients engaging, visual data presentations. Now she just needed to find it.


Dynamic dashboards with automatic data updates

When Dóra learned about Displayr’s dashboard capabilities, she immediately knew that it would be a good fit for her long term tracking project: she could use the tool to analyze, report, and update their trackers in a fraction of the time it took her before.

To help her understand Displayr’s logic, Dóra set up a training session with Displayr’s customer support team. While she was already familiar with Q, another Displayr tool for survey analysis, she wanted to better understand Displayr's online capabilities.

“It's a similar product to Q in terms of how it is built and how you can do the analysis,” she says. “But it's still different, especially because there are so many data visualization options built in.”

Displayr’s support team set up a personalized training session, where she was able to go over her data set with a Displayr customer service representative and explain her project.

“It was amazingly valuable,” she says. “I have had experiences with other help desks from other companies. But it’s amazing how seriously Displayr and Q take their customer service. You can go to them with a very unique problem, and they are there to help you until it’s solved. I really appreciate the effort the team puts into personalized help desk support and training.”

After Dóra’s training, Jan estimates that it only took her about a week and a half to put together the initial dashboard, using her previous PowerPoint reports as a template.

“The tracking we are doing is focused on brand image, as well as some attributes connected to the brand,” Jan explains. “It’s very wide, it’s very complex, and there are a lot of questions in the survey.”

Jan points out that even with the initial set up time, the process was much easier than creating a similar product in PowerPoint.

“With Displayr, it's much easier to add another wave and show the results very quickly,” he says. “We are able to process the data and prepare the output faster than before, when we were putting it directly into PowerPoint, because then we had to design every slide separately. With Displayr, it's much, much simpler.”

But the true time savings came when Dóra updated the data for the first time at the start of a new quarter: what would have taken two weeks before was now solved in just a couple of clicks.

“I was really blown away because I was prepared to have to adjust a lot of things in the dashboard when I updated it. I couldn’t believe it. It was really just one click to update the entire report.”

Dóra Török
Research Analyst, dunnhumby

Weeks of work saved every quarter

Now, Dóra and Jan also have a dynamic way to present their tracker data from three different countries to their client—without sending them hundreds of PowerPoint slides.

“PowerPoint is static, and we need to show the results for three countries in a single presentation,” Dóra says. “Now, our client can use the dashboard to compare two countries, or see all three countries together without having to deal with dozens of slides in PowerPoint. They have much more control.”

Using Displayr instead of PowerPoint will save them weeks of work every quarter: with a few clicks, they can input the new data, and the dashboard will update automatically. Work that used to take two weeks will now only require half a day.

Plus, Displayr will soon pay for itself: thanks to the tool, dunnhumby was able to cut out a report from an external agency that they previously relied on, which saves them another £1,000 each quarter.

“In just half a year, we’ll see a complete return on our investment; after just two waves of the project.”

Jan Osička
Research Director, dunnhumby

In addition to the time and cost savings, dunnhumby has also begun using Displayr’s dashboards as a sales tool to attract new clients.

“We use it for business development, as a support in our proposals,” Jan explains. “We want to show clients that we have this tool, and we can provide clients with a different sort of reporting.”

But for Dóra, the best part of all is that Displayr is designed with market researchers in mind.

“Displayr is much better than Tableau, in terms of analysis. It’s much more user-friendly, and it can save you a lot of time,” she says.

I would recommend Displayr to anyone in the market research field, because it’s just the perfect combination of analysis and user-friendliness.

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