Market research dashboards without the work!

This webinar shows how you can say goodbye to headaches and hello to the freedom of DIY dashboards with Displayr.

Market research dashboards have had a (deservedly) bad rap for years.

In this webinar you will learn

Here’s a little summary of some of the subjects we cover in this webinar

Most researchers would avoid them because they were over-complicated headaches – an expensive, and painful process masquerading as a high-tech beautiful way of presenting data.

Now you can take the work out of creating dashboards:

  • Go from survey data to visualization in seconds
  • Easily create filters and other interactive features
  • Analyze data and instantly find the story
  • Tips for publishing branded dashboards
  • Create effortless pictographs, donuts, time series, stream graphs, palm trees, self-sorting charts and more!!

Interactive, online reporting is now a piece of cake for market researchers. Discover how in this short webinar.

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