Frequently asked questions

How do I work between Q and Displayr?

  • You can also download from Displayr a QPack to do work in Q (and then reupload a QPack). To do this, go to Document Settings > Version History
  • You can also start a Displayr project with a QPack (although not recommended).
  • For more details see this page.

Why/why aren’t I being charged sales tax?

Displayr collects sales tax based on nexus's which we maintain in the United States of America. Where sales tax/VAT/GST is not charged we do not maintain any responsibility for use tax or any applicable international taxes.

Are discounts available?

  • Quantity discounts apply to annual licenses only. The discount is automatically applied at the checkout.
# Annual Licenses Discount
5+ 10%
10+ 20%
20+ 30%
  • We do not offer educational discounts.

What is view-mode?

View mode is when a document has been published to a webpage and someone views that webpage.

How is edit-mode time computed?

Whenever the app is doing a computation on your behalf, this counts towards the time. When you are looking at results, this also counts. As soon as the app goes to sleep, or you log out, the time stops.

How is view-mode time computed?

Viewing time is computed based on the number of hours that a server hosting a document is active. For example, if you have 100 people viewing the same document all for the same one hour period, this counts as one hour. If you have 100 people viewing each one of 100 different documents and each viewing for one hour, that counts as 100 hours of viewing.

How does someone view my document?

How you share your document depends on what type of document you have. Professional documents are denoted on your Documents page, otherwise the document is Free. More info can be found here. Given this, there are three ways to share your document for viewing by someone else:

  1. If your document is a Free document, you can publish as a public web page. You can then send a link to the web page to anyone, and they don't need a password to view it.
  2. If your document is a Professional document, you can publish as:
    1. A private webpage where anyone with the link can access. They will not need a Displayr login to view documents.
    2. A webpage where a login and password are required. You will need to invite people to be a user on your company account, and they will need to log in before they can view the document. You will also need to manage what documents they have access to. Please see our wiki and blog for further instructions.

Do API calls count as usage?

API calls count as view-mode time.

How can I check my usage levels for editing/authoring documents?

  • When you are editing a Displayr document, you will see a progress bar showing the proportion of time used (a percentage is shown on hover). If the usage is at a level that is so high that it is likely that an additional license will need to be purchased before the subscription year has completed, the progress bar will be shown in red.
  • If you click on the progress bar you will be taken to the Licenses page, which gives you additional information.

How can I check my usage levels for viewing of online reports?

  • Your Licenses page shows you how many hours of viewing time you have purchased and how many hours and minutes have been used.
  • When you have exceeded 50% of your annual usage, you will receive an email if your usage rate is such that you are likely to exceed your number of hours before the end of the year.
  • You will receive an email when your usage exceeds 80%, 90%, 95%, 99% and 100%.
  • When your usage exceeds 100%, your online reports will not be viewable. The viewer will see a page saying, “Additional licenses need to be purchased for this content to be viewed”.

Can edit-mode hours be shared across multiple users in my company?

Yes, but only for annual licenses within a company account.  If your assigned license has run out of hours, and a colleague has available hours on their license, then hours will be drawn from this second license automatically.  Should all your licenses run out of hours, then please contact to arrange for additional Edit hours to be added to the company pool.

Can view-mode hours be shared across multiple users in my company?

Yes, for all licenses within a company account. The total number of hours are pooled together. Contact to set this up.

How is usage counted if you edit or view multiple documents at once?

If you edit, or view, multiple documents at once, the time in each counts towards your total usage. For example, if you are simultaneously spending 10 minutes editing two documents, this will count as 20 minutes.

How do I purchase additional viewing time?

Additional viewing time may purchased in blocks of 1000 hours.

How can I limit the amount of viewing of my document?

You can limit the amount of viewing of your document by:

  1. Limiting access to the document to specific user accounts.
  2. Archiving projects, so that they can no longer be viewed.

What is the maximum number of people that can view a document at any one time?

A document is hosted on a single server. If you have a very simple document, it can be viewed by many thousands of people. The more functionality that you make available to users on a document, the slower it will become particularly with larger data sets.

Can licenses be transferred?

Professional licenses may be transferred a maximum of two times a year (i.e., the named user can be changed two times a year).

Can I purchase a license for the following year?

A document is hosted on a single server. If you have a very simple document, it can be viewed by many thousands of people. The more functionality that you make available to users on a document, the slower it will become particularly with larger data sets.

Can I customize my Displayr URL?

Yes you can, see this docs page for details.

How do I collaborate with others in Displayr?

  • When you sign up for Displayr, you get a personal account that only you may access.
  • At any time, you can choose to convert your account into a multi-user account, and invite other people to join. This enables you to collaborate. See Multi-User Accounts for more details on how to set this up.
  • You can join someone else's account by requesting an invitation from the account administrator.
  • The set of documents is shared with everyone in your account. You can set access restrictions to prevent an individual from access certain documents.
  • Multiple people can edit a document at the same time.
  • When someone else is editing the same document as you, their initials will appear next to the page that they are editing.

Can I control who can view and edit the documents in my account?

How many people can we have editing documents in Displayr?

  • This is only limited by the number of licenses you purchase. Licenses are purchased for a specific person, and a person can only be logged in on one device at a time.
  • Does Displayr work on mobiles and tablets?

How do I delete my Account?

How do I add data into Displayr?

There are several different ways of adding data into Displayr as outlined in this blog post in more detail. Generally speaking, you can add in data sets by clicking on Add a data set button in the Data tree or paste/enter in tables by clicking Home > Enter Table from the Ribbon.

What do I do if your data is a mess when opening Displayr?

  • Displayr sets up your data automatically, grouping together variables into variable sets (useful to match the survey of your survey multiple response questions).
  • Displayr's ability to get it right depends on the quality of the metadata in datafile. That is, how regular and neat your datafile is.
  • If the data doesn't look right in the setup (eg: variables are not in the right variable set Structure) then you should follow the steps on this page.

What data file formats does Displayr support?

  • Displayr supports most common data formats, including .sav and .csv and .xls/.xlsx. See our docs page for more info.
  • Generally, using a SPSS datafile format is preferable because it's considered a "good" file format for survey data. You should follow our SPSS Data File Specifications.

Is there a limit on the amount of data I can add?

  • For those using the free version of Displayr, your data set cannot be bigger than 100 variables and 1000 cases.
  • For paying users of Displayr, the general rule is that the data file cannot be larger than 1 GB, but there are some nuances to this explained on our wiki here.
  • If you're adding data through a different type of connection, you should search our wiki to confirm any specific limitations such as with the Qualtrics API.

Can I merge or link data together in Displayr?

  • To link together two separate data sets so you can access variables in one alongside the other, you can add both data sets to your document and create a relationship between them. Then you can click on one data set name in the Data tree and Properties > Edit Relationships in the Object Inspector. More detail can be found here.
  • We currently don't have a built-in merge tool, but while we work on that, you can use a free version of our sister software Q, to merge variables into one data set or add cases to an existing data set as explained here.

How do I update my documents with new data?

If you are working with a tracker or have a final version of your data set used in your document, you can update your entire document with a combined file of the current and new data by clicking on your data set name in the Data tree and Properties > Update in the Object Inspector. This will match together the variables in your new file with the file you loaded previously, alert you to any major changes between the versions, and recalculate and update all the variables, tables, chart, analyses, and other outputs in your document automatically.

How do I automatically update my document with new data?

The easiest way to automatically update your document is to use a URL to import your data and have Displayr check that URL at a given frequency. However, you can also setup automatic updates through SQL, R code, or Displayr's API. All methods are described in more detail here.

How do I create tables and crosstabs?

Check out our 3rd Intro to Displayr post, which covers how to create tables and crosstabs. If are looking for more automated table generation, you should also check out the Insert > Report feature which will automatically create a report of all of your variables (discussed here), and our Insert > Tables > Lots of Crosstabs automation.

How do I create a banner?

You can use Insert > Banner on the Ribbon to create and customize banners. A worked example can be found on this blog post. It's also possible to create a banner directly from a table by dragging the additional variable set on top of the Columns input . You will be presented with a visual layout guide with empty slots around the current column variable set where you can drop your new variable set and build your banner.

How do I merge or split categories on a table?

  • Select the relevant categories on a table and use the Combine or Split tools under the Data Manipulation section of the Ribbon
  • You can also merge categories by selecting the categories on a table and dragging-dropping one on to another
  • Changes you make to a question in a table stay with that question. So it can be useful to duplicate the variable set first and then make the changes. To this, select the variable set in the Data tree on the bottom left and then use Home > Duplicate.
  • For more detail, see our docs page.

How do I compute the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Computing the NPS can be done in two ways as described in this blog post:

  • Recoding your Likelihood to Recommend variable such that Detractors have value = -100, Passives = 0, and Promoters = +100.
  • Using a shortcut feature: Insert > Transform > Net Promoter Score from the Ribbon in Displayr (select your Likelihood to Recommend variable first from the Data tree

How do I create a Top 2 Box?

There are a few different ways of creating a top 2 box in Displayr as outlined in this blog post. The method mostly depends on how you'd like to use and display your top 2 box information. The easiest way to create a Top 2 box is to select the top 2 categories column headers in your table and select either Merge or Create NET under the Data Manipulation section of the Ribbon.

How can I calculate a new variable in my data set?

There are many different ways you can create a new variable in Displayr as outlined in this post. The method used depends on what you need your variable to do.

What can I do with a standard R Output?

TONS of things! R Outputs can return any type of object you can create using R code. You can reference, customize, and manipulate variables, tables, and output from analyses. A basic intro to using R in Displayr is here and there is a whole section of  our blog dedicated to using R.

How can I further customize my tables and outputs?

The first place to look in order to customize your output is on the various tabs on the Object Inspector. If your particular customization is not listed, see 'What can I do with a standard R Output above' or email for further guidance.

How can I merge tables?

If you'd like to merge entire tables without code, you can use Insert > More > Merge Two or More Tables from the Ribbon. If you want to merge parts of tables together, you will need to use an R Output and create R code to do the manipulation as discussed on our blog here.

How can I hide filters from my viewers?

You can edit your CSS to remove the Filters dropdown on the top of the page as described in this blog post.

How do I create charts and visualizations?

Check out our intro course on to learn how to create charts and visualizations.

What is the difference between charts and visualizations?

This blog post provides guidance on when you may want to use charts versus visualizations and what all of the differences are. Charts can be created directly from a table whereas Visualizations can use a table, variables, or pasted data as the data source. The most important differences to be aware of are: Charts include statistical testing and footers describing the data, and Visualizations are more interactive, customizable, and provide more visual appeal.

What types of charts and visualizations can Displayr create?

The most up to date list of Charts and Visualizations can be found in Displayr itself under Insert > Chart and Insert > Visualization on the Ribbon. You can find further documentation on how to create these outputs by searching the Displayr blog. You can create other visualizations in Displayr using R code if they are not already built into the software.

Can I edit my chart or visualization after exporting it to PowerPoint or Excel?

Charts and visualizations can be exported as images or as editable PowerPoint charts. Displayr will export the output using a similar PowerPoint chart type if a similar chart type exists. If a similar chart can't be found Displayr will export am editable bar chart.

How can I show specific dates or categories on a visualization?

  • If the data source table has the dates/categories in the columns, you can use fields in Inputs > COLUMN MANIPULATIONS in the Object Inspector to identify the dates. These are: 1. Columns to show, 2. Number of columns from left to show, 3. Number of columns from right to show. If your dates are in the rows use the corresponding fields under Inputs > ROW MANIPULATIONS. Depending on what type of visualization you are using, these fields may or may not be available.
  • You can create a filter to apply to the chart or visualization, which can be done a number of ways outlined here. You can also setup your filter to be based off dropdowns and other interactive controls on the page as described here.

How do I publish a dashboard and who can access it?

Publishing options for dashboards can be found in the Ribbon under Export > Web Page. If you are using the free version of Displayr or have not purchased viewing hours, you can only export to a Public web page. Otherwise, you can export with more security using a private link or requiring logins. More details can be found here. You can further customize who has access to particular private dashboards as outlined in this blog post.

How do I improve the speed of my dashboard?

The main way of improving speed of your dashboard is to minimize the number of variables, cases, and outputs in your dashboard. You can look into removing unneeded variables before importing into Displayr, getting rid of unneeded outputs and calculated variables, consolidating variables tables, reducing the size of tables (number of rows/columns), and reducing the number of outputs either by deleting or combining them. If you are running into major speed issues, don't hesitate to reach out to for further guidance.

Can I customize what is shown to viewers of my dashboard?

Yes, you can show only particular pages or customize filters applied to your data based on a viewer's login. More details on how to show specific pages and how to apply specific filters based on logins are on our blog.

How do I create a dropdown for my viewers to use?

You can create dropdowns and other controls for viewers to interact with from the Insert > Control menu in the Ribbon. A worked example of creating a dropdown to filter your visualization can be found here to get you started. You can also change the question shown in a visualization using a dropdown by following the instructions here.

How do I show my sample size on the page?

From the Ribbon, you can go to Insert > More > Data > Sample Size Description to insert a text box describing your sample size on your page. Specific instructions on how to create this output is on our blog here.

Can you embed your dashboard on a different web page?

Yes, you can use an iframe to embed dashboards on other pages as described here.

Can you add a video to a dashboard?

Yes, you can embed a video in your dashboard using an R Output and some code. Further instructions are on our blog here.

How can I customize the look and styling of my dashboard?

There are various ways of customizing the look and feel of your dashboard. You can hook up navigation links to icons other outputs through options on our Insert > Links menu on the Ribbon. You can modify the Page Master templates (similar to  slide masters in PowerPoint) to include special layouts, images, color schemes and more. You can also create a Visualization template to use with your visualizations through Insert > Utilities > Visualization > Create template. Finally you also have the option to edit CSS for your dashboard which can be used to further customize things like logos, icons, your Navigation Bar and page Filters dropdown. Examples on how to do these things and more are covered in this blog post.

How do I analyze MaxDiff data in Displayr?

We have a number of resources on our blog that talk in depth about specifics dealing with MaxDiff analysis. If you're new to MaxDiff, a good place to start is our beginners guide blog post and our MaxDiff wiki page for an overview of specific materials you may want to review.

How do I create a Correspondence Analysis map in Displayr?

Check out this blog post to get detailed instructions on how to create your own correspondence analysis in Displayr. You may also want to check out how to interpret your map afterwards.

How do I do Choice Modeling (Choice Based Conjoint) in Displayr?

Click here to see a worked example of how to do choice modeling in Displayr. You can also setup a Conjoint Analysis Choice Simulator in Displayr to further explore the model.

Does Displayr do text analysis?

We have several tools in Displayr to help you analyze your text data. They are under Insert > Text Analysis on the Ribbon. An overview of our automatic coding tools can be found here, but we also support manual coding of text as described here.

How do I work between Q and Displayr?

  • You can also download from Displayr a QPack to do work in Q (and then reupload a QPack). To do this, go to Document Settings > Version History
  • You can also start a Displayr project with a QPack (although not recommended).
  • For more details see this page.
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