Grocery Store Net Promoter Score Dashboard

This dashboard measures the Net Promoter Score® of a grocery store by department. It uses color-coding of circles based on underlying data (they change when the data is filtered using the Filters menu in the top right). They use a traffic light system with green to indicate high numbers and red to indicate low numbers.

This dashboard also uses hyperlinked drill-down menus, whereby the user clicks on the circle for a department and is taken to another page that shows more information about that department.

Take a look at this dashboard in action

Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Grocery Store NPS Dashboard
Matt Hubbard

“Displayr is at least 50% faster than just creating a PowerPoint presentation. In some cases, I think it’s even higher than 50%.”

Matt Hubbard VP Data & Analytics, Cygnal
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