
Data Visualization for Market Research

Beautiful. Memorable. Professional. Are these words used to describe your data visualizations? They can be! This book is designed to help you craft visualizations that instantly allow your audience to grasp – and remember – the story of your data. It covers everything from the fundamentals of good graphic design for data viz to how to tap into the secrets of information processing. Twenty-four techniques for improving visualizations are illustrated with almost one hundred examples of the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

What you'll get from this ebook

Twenty-four techniques for improving visualizations with almost one hundred examples of the good, the bad, and the downright ugly.

  • Create visualizations that improve storytelling
  • Focus on visualizations that work with standard market research data
  • Discover new ways to visualize market research data
  • Learn how to easily design compelling charts and graphs

More about this ebook

Good data visualization makes it easy for audiences to effortlessly uncover the story in your data – to find the patterns that matter the most. Making data based decision making a fast reality.

A new book to help market researchers beautifully visualize data.

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Data Visualization for Market Research
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