Basketball or Baseball Dashboard

This dashboard is a great tool for comparing the popularity of basketball and baseball among different groups in America, like age, income, and gender. And the best part? You can easily control which groups you see on the main pictograph with the filter drop-down on the right.

To make things even more fun, we used custom images of basketball and baseballs in a single pictograph. If you want to try it out for yourself, select a single icon pictograph visualization and use the “custom icon” option to add your contrasting images.

Make sure you use high-quality images from trustworthy stock sites like Shutterstock. And if you want to use our dashboard as a template, just click “Make a copy” and swap out the images with ones that fit your brand. Happy exploring!

Displayr is at least 50% faster than just creating a PowerPoint presentation. In some cases, I think it’s even higher than 50%.
Matt Hubbard
Matt Hubbard

VP Data & Analytics, Cygnal

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