The simplest way to create and customize choropleth maps
Connect or paste your list of geographic entities (countries, continents, states, regions, or zip/postcodes) and subsequent data, then follow the prompts, customize your map, and publish or export - it's that easy.
Stick to the state-of-the-art default options or customize everything, including color palette, font, hover appearance, shading, and color scales.
Dynamic, interactive, and flexible
Easily zoom choropleth maps in and out, hover to see the underlying data and labels, and drop downs to filter the choropleths by other variables in your data. Switch between one big map or small multiples. Annotate your maps to highlight exciting results: drag and drop to overlay text boxes, arrows, shapes, and background images. For a slick design, use one of Displayr's stunning presentation templates.
Easily embed choropleth maps in reports and presentations or publish as dashboards
With just one click, you can publish your beautiful choropleth maps as interactive dashboards with filter drop-downs and hovers or export them to Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF. Just switch your data to update your maps instantly.
Don't just stop at choropleth maps; Displayr is the complete tool for all your analysis, visualization, and reporting.
Create a choropleth map in 3 easy steps
Step 1
Sign up to Displayr for free.
Step 2
Follow the prompts to connect your data and create your choropleth map. You can easily customize fonts, colors, backgrounds and sizes.
Step 3
Share and show off your choropleth map to the world. Add some filters to make it interactive and publish as a dashboard or export to PowerPoint with one click.
What is a choropleth map?
Choropleth map data visualizations are a fantastic way to show comparative values across countries, states, or regions. The choropleth map shades the color of each location on the map in proportion to its corresponding data values. Common data values include population density or per-capita income.
This type of data visualization is also sometimes known as geographic heat maps, geographic maps, or thematic maps. Not only are choropleth maps one of the most beautiful examples of data visualizations, they also pack in a huge amount of data.
Choropleth maps are important because they provide context for your data values. It offers a greater ability to understand the geospatial distribution of your values and the ability to compare across several locations at a glance. It’s easy to create choropleth maps for the globe, countries and states with Displayr’s choropleth map maker.
Displayr offers two different ways of creating choropleth maps - using Leaflet or Plotly. Another advantage of choropleth maps is that they offer a lot creativity. With Displayr’s choropleth map generator, you can choose what colors you want to use to represent your values or pick from one of Displayr’s inbuilt color palettes.
You can choose how you want to filter your information. For example, you may want to create a world-wide data visualization and then filter or zoom in to show specific countries or regions. You can use the choropleth map maker to create small multiples of the map.
Using Displayr’s choropleth map maker you can also create an interactive visualization, allowing your audience to explore the data on their own terms at their own pace. Create a stunning standalone data visualization or incorporate your choropleth map into an infographic. The choice is yours.

“Displayr is extremely powerful and extremely intuitive. It can do vastly more analysis more efficiently than any of the tools I've tried in the past.”
Ron Gailey
President - Americas, Mobile Digital Insights
Don't limit yourself to just choropleth maps
Ready to create more stunning visualizations? There is a whole world out there of awesome ways to visualize your data. Whether it’s pie charts (another classic!) or Sankey diagrams or the always cool scatterplots, Displayr can help you transform your data into whatever story you want to tell!
And just like the choropleth maps, you can customize colors, sizes and fonts and have a play with Displayr’s cool features. Even better, combine different visualizations to create a truly impressive infographic or presentation. What are you waiting for?
Complete (not just for choropleths)
Displayr is a general-purpose app that does everything from crosstabs to text coding to advanced analysis to dashboards, driver analysis, and segmentation.
Choropleth map FAQs
What are choropleth maps best used for?
A choropleth map is a thematic map that uses color, shades, or patterns to show relational values. Choropleth maps are a terrific way to compare values across different regions, countries, or states.
How do you read a choropleth map?
The choropleth map shows patterns in the data using a heat map to show the distribution of values across regions.
What are the advantages of a choropleth map?
Choropleths are an excellent way to provide a quick visual impression of how countries, regions, or states differ.
What are the disadvantages of a choropleth map?
The main disadvantage of a choropleth map is that they presume a whole area has the same value when variations are likely. Choropleth maps also show abrupt changes where a boundary sits; in reality, these differences might be more gradual.
How do choropleth maps use colors?
The choropleth map often uses colors and heat maps to show results. Here different shades of the same color represent how data changes from region to region. The color shades indicate proportional value, with one extreme value the darkest shade and the other the lightest shade.
What are choropleth maps also known as?
In some instances, a choropleth map is also known as a geographic heat map, thematic map or geographic map.