Principal Components Analysis.

Working with Principal Components Analysis Results
15 September 2020 | by Tim Ali
Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a technique for taking many variables and creating a new, smaller set of variables. These aim to capture as much...

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Learn More about Dimension Reduction in Displayr
09 September 2020 | by Tim Ali

Correspondence Analysis Webinar: DIY Market Mapping Using Correspondence Analysis Ebook: DIY Correspondence Analysis How Correspondence Analysis Works (A Simple Explanation) Understanding the Math of Correspondence

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How to Do Principal Components Analysis in Displayr
02 September 2020 | by Tim Ali
Data setup Principal Components Analysis always views data numerically. This means that you need to be careful with the question Structure assigned to your variables...

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Principal Component Analysis of Text Data
03 May 2020 | by Tim Bock

Worked example: Understanding attitude towards Tom Cruise This post analyzes text data where people have listed their reasons for not liking Tom Cruise. The raw

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factor analysis and principal component analysis
Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis: A Simple Explanation
12 August 2018 | by Tim Bock

Factor analysis and principal component analysis help identify patterns in the correlations between variables, and underlying variables. Learn more.

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