Choice Modeling.

Learn More about Conjoint in Displayr
02 September 2020 | by Oliver Harrison

Introduction Conjoint Analysis: The Basics Main Applications of Conjoint Analysis Webinar: Introduction to Conjoint   Design Experimental Design for Conjoint Analysis: Overview and Examples Writing

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Using Choice-Based Conjoint in Pricing Research Studies
25 February 2020 | by Julia Sullivan

This one is a bit more complicated than the first five techniques we’ve talked about, but the idea of this technique is to find people’s

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Using the Value Equivalence Line (VEL) with Conjoint Simulators
31 January 2020 | by Tim Bock

The value equivalence line is a useful concept for setting pricing strategies in markets where products vary in terms of their overall levels of benefits

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Comparing HB Root-likelihood (RLH) Between Displayr and Sawtooth
01 March 2019 | by Justin Yap

In this post, I compare the ways Displayr and Sawtooth implement the Hierarchical Bayes (HB). I used both an in-sample data and holdout data for testing.

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Testing Whether an Attribute Should be Numeric or Categorical in Conjoint Analysis
27 February 2019 | by Tim Bock

Choosing whether to use a numeric or categorical variable in a Conjoint Analysis is a difficult decision to make. With Displayr, there is a straightfoward way t...

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Understanding Logit Scaling
20 February 2019 | by Tim Bock

Example: choice-based conjoint analysis utilities Consider the utilities plot below, which quantifies the appeal of different aspects of home delivery. If you hover over the mouse plot

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Numeric versus Categorical Price Attributes in Conjoint Analysis
13 February 2019 | by Tim Bock

The difference between a numeric and categorical price attribute The chart below illustrates the the implications of treating price as being categorical versus numeric. When

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Checking Convergence When Using Hierarchical Bayes for Conjoint Analysis
06 February 2019 | by Justin Yap

Please read How to Use Hierarchical Bayes for Choice Modeling in Displayr prior to reading this post. There are a number of diagnostic tools that you

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12 Techniques for Increasing the Accuracy of Forecasts from Conjoint Analysis
11 December 2018 | by Tim Bock

There are many ways you can increase the chance that the forecasts from your choice model are accurate. In this post, we take you through 12 of them.

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Data Visualization for Conjoint Analysis
04 December 2018 | by Tim Bock

While choice-based conjoint analysis represents one of the more sophisticated techniques used in market research, presentation of its results commonly consists only of a simulator,

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Using Substitution Maps to Understand Preferences in Conjoint Analysis
04 December 2018 | by Tim Bock

The main output from conjoint analysis is typically a choice simulator. However, substitution maps better show the underlying preferences.

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Using Indifference Curves to Understand Tradeoffs in Conjoint Analysis
04 December 2018 | by Tim Bock

Indifference curves are a way of showing relative preferences for quantities of two things (e.g., preferences for price versus delivery times for fast food). This

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How to calculate sample size
Sample Size for Conjoint Analysis
04 December 2018 | by Tim Bock

Working out the sample size required for a choice-based conjoint study is a mixture of art and science. The required sample size depends on many factors.

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Writing a Questionnaire for a Conjoint Analysis Study
14 November 2018 | by Tim Bock

This post gives you ten top tips for writing your questionnaire for your choice modeling study. It's a must read for all those conducting choice-based conjoint....

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Main Applications of Conjoint Analysis
14 November 2018 | by Tim Bock

Want to know when and why you would do choice modeling? Discover all about the main applications of choice modeling and choice-based conjoint here!

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choice modeling
Conjoint Analysis: The Basics
14 November 2018 | by Tim Bock

Choice modeling can be tricky. Luckily we've covered the basics so you can learn everything choice modeling and choice-based conjoint analysis.

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man looking at papers on wall
Comparing Choice Models and Creating Ensembles in Displayr
08 October 2018 | by Jake Hoare

Alternative-specific choice model designs are used where alternatives are described by different qualities, rather than all attributes being the same.

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The Efficient Algorithm for Choice Model Experimental Designs
12 September 2018 | by Justin Yap

The Efficient algorithm is a special case of the more general Partial Profiles algorithm. It results in faster computation times.

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man looking at papers on wall
The Partial Profiles Algorithm for Experimental Designs
12 September 2018 | by Justin Yap

In partial profiles designs, a specified number of attributes are held constant in each question. This reduces the cognitive effort for respondents.

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Comparing Experimental Designs Based on Model Fit
11 September 2018 | by Justin Yap

There are many ways to generate an experimental design. In this post, I compare various algorithms for generating choice model designs based on model fit.

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D-error sawtooth cbc
How to Compute D-Error for a Sawtooth Software CBC Experiment
05 September 2018 | by Justin Yap

D-error summarizes how good a design is at extracting information in a choice experiment. Find out how to compute it fo a Sawtooth Software CBC Experiment.

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missing puzzle piece
Algorithms to Create your Choice Model Experimental Design
05 September 2018 | by Jake Hoare

I'll show you four algorithms you can use to create the questions for your choice model experimental design. These include random, shortcut and balanced overlap...

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How to Set Up a Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis in Qualtrics
27 August 2018 | by Mathew McLean

A choice-based conjoint analysis is a tool used in market research and other fields to determine how consumers choose between competing products.

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How to Compute D-error for a Choice Experiment
21 August 2018 | by Justin Yap

This article gives an overview of D-error and demonstrates how to compute D-error by working through an example. Concepts in this article are covered in

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The Accuracy of Hierarchical Bayes When the Data Contains Segments
26 July 2018 | by Tim Bock

In this post I explore the implications of using hierarchical Bayes versus using latent class analyis for data which contains segments.

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How Good is your Choice Model Experimental Design?
20 July 2018 | by Jake Hoare

Assessing design quality in terms of balance can involve hundreds of numbers. What if I showed you a way to use a few key metrics to summarize your design quali...

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Choice Simulator
How to Create an Online Choice Simulator by Hand
22 August 2017 | by Tim Bock

A worked example is used to show how to create an online choice simulator (conjoint simulator). Calculations are done in R & it is hosted in Displayr.

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How to Check an Experimental Design (MaxDiff, Choice Modeling)
25 July 2017 | by Tim Bock

Experimental designs can be scary. Small mistakes ruin everything. I explain the process I use when doing a rough-and-ready check of an experimental design.

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